idql32 docbasename -Uusername -Ppassword -Rfilename.dql > abc_output.txt
e.g. /opt/apps/Documentum/product/6.5/bin
./idql docbasename -Uusername -Ppassword -Rfilename.dql > abc_output.txt
where filename.dql contains your DQL query1) create filename.dql file.2) write your DQL query ex: SELECT r_object_id,object_name FROM dm_document
3)save document
4) use the idql command which is given above
Friday, November 05, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
FAST Index Server Issue
Documentum Fast Indexing Issue:
Check the FAST Index Server Status :
Open Documentum Administrator.
Go to Indexing Management Check index agent and server status.
You can check the status of Index server by using index server URL like below.
http://indexservername:port/IndexAgent1/login.jsp(i.e. port default 9200).
If it is stopped, then start.
If it did not start, start the services in FAST index Server.
If did not solve the issue, then follow second step.
Check the Documentum Queue :
Open Documentum Administrator.
Go to Indexing Management Check indexing queue.
Check the items status.
If there are huge number of queue items waiting for indexing for a long time.
Please delete all queue items and try to push one document for indexing.
Select * from dmi_queue_item where name = 'dm_fulltext_index_user'.
delete dmi_queue_item objects where name = 'dm_fulltext_index_user'
Forcefully put a document in queue by this api.
queue, c, 0900c87c80008d5b, dm_fulltext_index_user,dm_force_ftindex.
Check the status of index for that document.
If it fails check the index server log for this.
Check the ftintegrity in index server :
Copy ftintegrity.params.txt from Index Server deployment.
Go to D:\apps\Documentum\fulltext\IndexServer\bin.
Run this command.
cobra -i ftintegrity.params.txt -m b.
It will generate the file res-comp-dctmonly.txt.
rename this file to ids.txt
place this file under this dir
Restart index agent.
It will generate the queue.
Check the registered Object Type For indexing :
By default, all dm_sysobject types and their subtypes generate fulltext events in a repository. This would make all dm_sysobject types and their subtypes eligible for fulltext index processing.
Registering specific object types would result in better utilization of available resources which will result in optimized performance of Index Agent and Index Server components. The following are the steps to un-register all dm_sysobject type and its subtypes, and to re-register custom dm_sysobject subtype for fulltext events.
Following are the scripts to unregister the object type.
unregister,c,,dm_save,dm_fulltext_index_user unregister,c,,dm_destroy,dm_fulltext_index_user unregister,c,,dm_checkin,dm_fulltext_index_user unregister,c,,dm_readnlysave,dm_fulltext_index_user unregister,c,,dm_move_content,dm_fulltext_index.
To re-register a dm_sysobject subtype you must modify install script create_fulltext_objects.ebs in $DM_HOME/install/admin directory. Copy this over to create_fulltext_objects2.ebs, and modify the line (buff = "retrieve," & SessionID & ",dm_type where name = 'dm_sysobject'") to replace this occurrence of dm_sysobject with your custom object type (buff = "retrieve," & SessionID & ",dm_type where name = ''" ).
f. Caution: Do not change any other occurrences of the string dm_sysobject.
Run create_fulltext_objects2.ebs script as the installation owner by executing following command.
$DM_HOME/bin/dmbasic -f$DM_HOME/install/admin/create_fulltext_objects2.ebs -einstall --
Example: Docbase - testdoc, install owner- dmadmin, password abcd1234
$DM_HOME/bin/dmbasic -f$DM_HOME/install/admin/create_fulltext_objects2.ebs -einstall -- testdoc dmadmin abcd1234
Note: Index agent run in migration mode will still index all object types.
If you intend to index ONLY those objects that you choose to index then you must resubmit these objects for indexing based on a custom object type (s).
Check the FAST Index Server Status :
Open Documentum Administrator.
Go to Indexing Management Check index agent and server status.
You can check the status of Index server by using index server URL like below.
http://indexservername:port/IndexAgent1/login.jsp(i.e. port default 9200).
If it is stopped, then start.
If it did not start, start the services in FAST index Server.
If did not solve the issue, then follow second step.
Check the Documentum Queue :
Open Documentum Administrator.
Go to Indexing Management Check indexing queue.
Check the items status.
If there are huge number of queue items waiting for indexing for a long time.
Please delete all queue items and try to push one document for indexing.
Select * from dmi_queue_item where name = 'dm_fulltext_index_user'.
delete dmi_queue_item objects where name = 'dm_fulltext_index_user'
Forcefully put a document in queue by this api.
queue, c, 0900c87c80008d5b, dm_fulltext_index_user,dm_force_ftindex.
Check the status of index for that document.
If it fails check the index server log for this.
Check the ftintegrity in index server :
Copy ftintegrity.params.txt from Index Server deployment.
Go to D:\apps\Documentum\fulltext\IndexServer\bin.
Run this command.
cobra -i ftintegrity.params.txt -m b.
It will generate the file res-comp-dctmonly.txt.
rename this file to ids.txt
place this file under this dir
Restart index agent.
It will generate the queue.
Check the registered Object Type For indexing :
By default, all dm_sysobject types and their subtypes generate fulltext events in a repository. This would make all dm_sysobject types and their subtypes eligible for fulltext index processing.
Registering specific object types would result in better utilization of available resources which will result in optimized performance of Index Agent and Index Server components. The following are the steps to un-register all dm_sysobject type and its subtypes, and to re-register custom dm_sysobject subtype for fulltext events.
Following are the scripts to unregister the object type.
To re-register a dm_sysobject subtype you must modify install script create_fulltext_objects.ebs in $DM_HOME/install/admin directory. Copy this over to create_fulltext_objects2.ebs, and modify the line (buff = "retrieve," & SessionID & ",dm_type where name = 'dm_sysobject'") to replace this occurrence of dm_sysobject with your custom object type (buff = "retrieve," & SessionID & ",dm_type where name = '
f. Caution: Do not change any other occurrences of the string dm_sysobject.
Run create_fulltext_objects2.ebs script as the installation owner by executing following command.
$DM_HOME/bin/dmbasic -f$DM_HOME/install/admin/create_fulltext_objects2.ebs -einstall --
Example: Docbase - testdoc, install owner- dmadmin, password abcd1234
$DM_HOME/bin/dmbasic -f$DM_HOME/install/admin/create_fulltext_objects2.ebs -einstall -- testdoc dmadmin abcd1234
Note: Index agent run in migration mode will still index all object types.
If you intend to index ONLY those objects that you choose to index then you must resubmit these objects for indexing based on a custom object type (s).
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